Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020

Exposition Text

Exposition Text is divided into two, namely hortatory exposition and analytical exposition, discussing a little about hortatory exposition, Hortatory exposition is an exposition text that serves to persuade or convince readers of something that happened.

Analytical Exposition Text (Materi Dan Contoh) – BRITISH Course

What is Analytical Exposition?

In English, analytical exposition is a kind of text that present one side of the issue in a form of argument. In other words, analytical exposition is a text about an exposition that describes or explains the author's opinion about something that happened.

This is usually a phenomenon or a hot issue that is happening in society.

What Is The Function of Analytical Exposition?

The function of analytical exposition is to convince readers or listeners that the theme raised is interesting to discuss through the opinions presented.

What is Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition?

9 Contoh Analytical Exposition Text Berbentuk Surat Berbagai Topik dan Arti  | English Admin

Similar to the generic structure for hortatory expositions, the generic structure for analytical expositions is also divided into 3, as follows:

> Thesis: The thesis contains an introduction or presentation of the theme to be discussed or raised.

> Argument: Arguments or opinions, which contain opinions that the author begins to describe on the issue that is raised.

> Reiteration: In other words, reiteration is a conclusion, namely in the form of rewriting the main idea, reiteration is located at the end of the paragraph.

What is The Characteristic of Analytical Exposition?

The characteristics or characteristics of analytical exposition, namely:

> analytical exposition always uses the simple present tense

> Many use conjunctions (conjunctions)

> Contains arguments.

> Many use words that contain cause and effect.

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2020

Invitation Card & Dialogue

Dialogue Informal

S: I would like to invite you to come to dinner with my family at my house. Next Friday

(Saya ingin mengundang Anda untuk datang makan malam bersama keluarga saya di rumah saya. Jumat depan)

R: Sorry, I don’t think I can make it next Friday. I’ve already had another appointment.

(Maaf, sepertinya aku tidak bisa datang Jumat depan. Aku sudah punya janji lain.)

S: Oh, that’s okay, then.

(Oh, tidak apa-apa kalau begitu.)

Dialogue Formal

R: I wanted to invite you over to the jetski cafe tomorrow. There will be a small party to celebrate my graduation. Will you come?
(Saya ingin mengundang Anda ke kafe jetski besok. Akan ada pesta kecil untuk merayakan kelulusan saya. Maukah kamu datang?)

S: Thanks for inviting me. I will come.
(Terimakasih sudah mengundangku. Aku akan datang.)

R : Well, thanks.
(Baiklah, terimakasih.)

S: My pleasure.
(Dengan senang hati.)

The Last Leaf

In a little district west of Washington Square the streets have run crazy and broken themselves into small strips called "places."...