Senin, 07 September 2020

Letter Writing

 1. Definition of Letter (Letter)

'A letter is a written message from one party to another containing information' which means Letter is a written message from one of the other parties that contains information. Its functions cover five areas: means of notifications, requests, thoughts and ideas; written evidence; reminder; historical evidence; and work guidelines.

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2. Type of Letter (Letter)

Types of letters can be divided into three, namely personal letters, official letters, and official letters.

    a. Personal letter

Personal letter is a type of letter containing personal needs which is usually written personally and addressed to another person using non-standard language. Private letters have no binding rules and personal letters can be written according to the taste of each author.

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Characteristics of a Personal Letter. Personal letters have at least the following 5 characteristics:

1. Does not have letterhead

2. Do not have a letter number

3. Greetings and greetings vary widely and are more casual, non-formal in nature

4. Use of free language (not standard) according to the author's wishes

5. Free letter format

    b. Official letter

Official letter is a letter made by a certain agency, organization or company institution addressed to a certain person or other institution. The existence of these agencies, institutions, organizations and companies is legally authorized. Examples of official letters are official letters, commercial letters, and social letters.

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The characteristics of an official letter :

1. use effective sentences; simple, concise, clear, polite and attractive.

2. use standard language according to refined spelling (EYD) both spelling, vocabulary, and grammar.

3. The presentation uses the form of full block, semi block or indented block.

4. Using letterhead.

5. Listed letter number, attachments, and subject.

6. Usually includes a stamp or stamp.

    c. Service Letter

Official letter is a letter issued by a certain agency. In other words, official letters are letters that are used as a means of communication within an agency or between agencies. An official letter is also called an official letter because this letter can clearly be accounted for for its authenticity.

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Characteristics of an official letter

1. Has a head or letterhead, which is the name and address of a certain agency.

2. Have a date, and letter number.

3. Has a subject, namely the purpose of the letter and attachments.

4. Has a certain agency stamp on the signature section.

5. Using standard language.

6. May have a copy.

Dialogue :

S: hi, reta

 R: hi salsha

 S: I haven't seen you in a long time, by the way did you get my letter?

 R: I have, and I have read it. I'm sorry I didn't call you because I was busy practicing

 S: sure it's okay. But next time you have to call me

 R: yes, I'll keep you posted. But why did you send me the letter, why not just call me?

 S: I lost my phone last month, I looked up your social media account but couldn't find it, and then I asked your friend

 R: ah, yes, I did change my account a few months ago

 R: yes, I will repay your letter, wait. Make sure you read it when you get there

 S: of course I'll read it.Sorry,I gotta go now 

 R: oh ok bye

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